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Jumat, 18 Desember 2009


The Titan is one of the 18 Saturn's satellities. It was discovered by Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch astronomist, in 1655. Huygens also discovered the Saturn's rings, a spectacular appearance observed by Galileo Galilei. The visual observation done by Jose Comas Sola in 1908 indicated the density of Titan's atmosphere. Chemically, the condition of this satelite is believed to be similiar to that of the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. The difference between the two is that the Titan is much colder than the Earth.
From the infrared spectrum, in 1944, Gerard Kuyper, an American astronomist, a Dutch origin, successfully identified the methane compound in its atmosphere. Then, at the beginning of 1970, Lewis clarified the possibility of the existence of nitrogen. In 1980 Voyager I, another spacecraft, approached closer to this satelite and sent its observation about its atmospheric temperature, pressure and composition.

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